We have had a lot of success this week finding people to teach, and have met some people with the most serious of problems that you could ever have. It's so sad. Drugs, selling drugs, prostitution, babies at such young ages, that could all be avoided by just following the commandments... One investigator's little sister is 14 with a 5 month old baby. It breaks my heart but at the same time gives me the best motivation to keep trying to let everyone know that there is a better way! Safety is found in following the commandments!
We had two conferences this week and three intercambios! It was super fun, always something new! One conference in Florida and another in Las Piedras! One day I got to work with Elder Hayden and it was sick!!!! He is such a good friend, I miss him in the offices!! We had a sick day teaching and everything; a little 4 year old was throwing sun tan lotion bottles at us, and we made pancakes for the house at night with our dank non-stick pan!
We could finally sit down and have lessons with lots of people that I met a long time ago!!! Lots with good potential!! It was awesome, I felt so grateful to finally have those people be at home and be able to listen a little bit more.
This p-day we actually had a lesson in the morning that was firm, so we went, then after we went and had a super fun day at the Eddys' high school playing soccer. Then football Americano with the office elders and family Olsen of the other mission!
Elder Powell Naylor and Elder Ryan Layton, both from my BYU ward are comps as AP's! They both end their missions soon, 11 weeks, and 5 weeks!
This coming week we will go to a far zone on Tuesday, do divisions and stay the night in the farthest zone, Melo, and have divisions, then come home on Wednesday! Then we have new missionary conference on Friday and that'll be great!
Sorry mom, I forgot a top ten, but I love the Book of Mormon, my family, sharing the gospel. I got a wonderful card from Sheridan with her perfect handwriting, and a package from my family. Played American football on a grass field, had divisions with a good friend, and got to eat pancakes... so good week!
We taught the sabbath day to lotsssss of people because we need people to come to church and see that it's a good thing if they're ever going to get baptized! Like everyone has a baptismal date, but that'll never come to happen if they don't go to church!
Love you all, keep it piola! ---- Michel our RC always says that and he is sooo sick!!!! He gave the best talk ever last Sunday!!!! Like literally better talk than I'll ever give in my life with scrips and his testimony and funny but not overboard and gosh he is so rad!
We got to play with the other mission today for p-day at the kids' high school!!
We played football and it was so fun!!!!
Powell Naylor, and Ryan Layton from my BYU ward are the AP's in the other mission and are comps!!!
It was sick to see them today!!!
From our intercambio with Elder Millia and his comp Elder Alvarez
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